Hey guys,
Nothing new to report in terms of hobby, but do have a few things to talk about. As some of you know, I don't like the new 6th ed rules for 40k. No biggie, I am not going to hurt GW's sales forecast by not buying anything new. And I am not going to bash the rules or the game, I have met a lot of good friends due to the game and had lots of fun playing it.
But after much thought and deliberation I am going to give up the game for good. Now what to do with my armies?? I have a decent sized force of Blood Angels, which was a pretty stout list in 5th, and a nearly huge CSM army which was my first army when I got into the game. The Blood Angels are definitely leaving either as a sale or as a trade, haven't decided where to post them and what I really want for them. And a very small starting sized force of Orks. This leaves me with my CSM. Every time I think about getting rid of them, I get them down to write up the inventory and start remembering past games and all the fun I had playing them which leads to me putting them back up on the shelf until the next time.
So I am at a crossroads, I know I will prolly never play them again but still want to keep them for old times sake. Which makes no sense, when I could at least get something for them either in trade or $$. I did manage to thin the ranks of them a little back over the summer when I sold some of things I never used anyway, like 2 Landraiders and the CSM termies (never liked the sculpts and had plans of chaosifying some normal termies).
If I go the $$ route and sell the armies, then what? I will just end spending the $$ on something prolly bills, and have nothing show for it. If I go the trade route, then what do I want and really need? I mean I have a decent sized OK army for Fantasy, a Menoth, Khador, Legion and Circle armies for WM/H, and it appears that I will be getting the Flames of War starter set for Christmas, so do I try and trade for things to expand those or try to get a new army for Fantasy or even try some new game system (which I don't need much less have the time for or extra $$ to start some system). Or do I try and get more board games, which do actually get used form time to time via family game nights and at friend's houses. I just don't know what to do.
And then the way out there scenario, what if when 7th ed comes out, I happen to like those rules? Do I keep the CSM for that and just start over? I doubt that I will start over anyway, when I quit something it tends to be for good. I mean I used to have a complete library of BattleTech books and several 100s of minis, and then things happened and I sold them all.
I don't really know what to do, other than I doubt I will ever play 40k again, but not sure that I want to get rid of my CSM, which are just taking up space. Any ideas or comments would be helpful.
Don't really know if this is a blog post or actually a vent, if you will. Not a vent in terms of ranting and raving but just getting a few things out and off my chest. But whatever it is, at least now I will have possible prizes for the current contest and future ones.
Thanks for reading and don't forget about the contest, the rules are mentioned in a post about the beginning on November. Also, don't forget to subscribe if you want and post a comment or 3.
Good Gaming!!